Posted: 12 August 2008 at 10:36pm | IP Logged | 10
A fun story:
A group of my friends and I were going out to the bar a couple of years ago and my lesbian friend suggested we go to a bar where everyone was welcome. We all said sure without thinking about it and packed into my car and headed off.
When we got there the coat check guy offered to help me off with my coat and tried to strike up a conversation with me. I thought that was a little strange. Then I went up to the bar to buy the first round and the bartender asked me what I was drinking and gave me that for free and tried to strike up a conversation. I thought that was a little strange.
So a few drinks go down and I realize I need to find the little boy's room, which was well hidden. I found a bathroom with no sign on the wide open door and no urinals to speak of, not to mention the fact it was much cleaner than any bar bathroom I've ever seen. But needs must, and no one was using it so no problem. A little bit later I found a more likely bathroom, with actual urinals and was quite surprised while relieving myself to have a couple of women come in to make use of the stalls.
I'm completely oblivious to everything, I admit that and I didn't even notice all the women dancing with each other as anything strange. Women dance together at bars all the time, never thought much of it. All the signs and newspapers about an 'Alternative lifestyle' never twigged me at all. Then I saw men dancing together and everything came together rather quickly. My best friend saw the look of slowly dawning comprehension on my face and started laughing at me. Flattering night but kind of annoying, not the being hit on, that was cool, not my stupidity (that's always amusing, and happens too often for me to be annoyed by) but the music the bar was playing.
House music. I just couldn't dance to it, I need to feel the rhythm in the music in order to dance and I can't find the rhythm in that music.