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Al Cook
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Posted: 11 August 2008 at 2:48pm | IP Logged | 1  

You do remember what thread this is, Brian...
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Brian Talley
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Posted: 11 August 2008 at 5:03pm | IP Logged | 2  

Yeah, but does a "flare for design" have to mean gaudy?
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Joakim Jahlmar
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 4:14am | IP Logged | 3  

Al - now you got me confused... not been playing Scrabulous so much for a while, but when I just checked in, the app still seemed to be there... Weirded out. A bit.

Edited to add:  and I have to confess I was a bit of a "lazy git", didn't read through the whole other thread...

Edited by Joakim Jahlmar on 12 August 2008 at 4:18am
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Al Cook
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 5:54am | IP Logged | 4  

Scrabulous has been replaced for U.S. and Canadian users by Wordscraper.
It's still active in less litigious parts of the world, Joakim.
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Joakim Jahlmar
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 11:27am | IP Logged | 5  

Ah, I see Al. Suddenly feel very much less litigious not to mention a wee bit barbaric in general.
Though I have to admit that I've more or less moved on unto other word games already anyway...
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Moyer Hall
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 2:51pm | IP Logged | 6  

MySpace?? Yecch!!


Not to worry Brian! I'm a graphic designer and I quite agree. I've scolded my
niece for having too much crap on there. Mines very tastefully done. It's a
nice simple page.
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Brian Talley
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 3:04pm | IP Logged | 7  

Bless you, Moyer.


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Juan Jose Colin Arciniega
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 6:04pm | IP Logged | 8  

Moyer must get pleasure in using a ugly tool as MySpace. I tried it, and it wasn't for me....

Now, Facebook....on the other hand....
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Marc Baptiste
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 6:16pm | IP Logged | 9  

Would all my JBF buddies mind emailing me their MYSPACE and FACEBOOK links?  I love those things.


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Steve D Swanson
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Posted: 12 August 2008 at 10:36pm | IP Logged | 10  

A fun story:

A group of my friends and I were going out to the bar a couple of years ago and my lesbian friend suggested we go to a bar where everyone was welcome. We all said sure without thinking about it and packed into my car and headed off.

When we got there the coat check guy offered to help me off with my coat and tried to strike up a conversation with me. I thought that was a little strange. Then I went up to the bar to buy the first round and the bartender asked me what I was drinking and gave me that for free and tried to strike up a conversation. I thought that was a little strange.

So a few drinks go down and I realize I need to find the little boy's room, which was well hidden. I found a bathroom with no sign on the wide open door and no urinals to speak of, not to mention the fact it was much cleaner than any bar bathroom I've ever seen. But needs must, and no one was using it so no problem. A little bit later I found a more likely bathroom, with actual urinals and was quite surprised while relieving myself to have a couple of women come in to make use of the stalls.

I'm completely oblivious to everything, I admit that and I didn't even notice all the women dancing with each other as anything strange. Women dance together at bars all the time, never thought much of it. All the signs and newspapers about an 'Alternative lifestyle' never twigged me at all. Then I saw men dancing together and everything came together rather quickly. My best friend saw the look of slowly dawning comprehension on my face and started laughing at me. Flattering night but kind of annoying, not the being hit on, that was cool, not my stupidity (that's always amusing, and happens too often for me to be annoyed by) but the music the bar was playing.

House music. I just couldn't dance to it, I need to feel the rhythm in the music in order to dance and I can't find the rhythm in that music.

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Joakim Jahlmar
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Posted: 13 August 2008 at 2:39am | IP Logged | 11  

Marc wrote:
"Would all my JBF buddies mind emailing me their MYSPACE and FACEBOOK links?  I love those things"

Well just search for my name and you'll find me, there is only ONE after all (whereas I stumbled over quite a few Marc Baptiste's when I just made a quick search). And you'll find a few other JBFers in my friends list as well. :)

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Moyer Hall
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Posted: 13 August 2008 at 8:22am | IP Logged | 12  

I'm very searchable on myspace...

and other sites (ahem)

Funny story Steve. See I almost can't dance (if you can call it that) to
anything other than house if I go out.

I once kept the most backwoods, hickish, white trashed out couple in the
bar I worked at down here for a few hours, just waiting for them to realize
they were in the oldest gay bar in the country (allegedly). It finally
dawned on the woman, when I put in a video of a bunch of men strolling
the beach in skimpy swimwear. Her and her husband were so drunk from
the killer drinks I was making, that they stayed another couple hours...
they were fun.
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