Posted: 17 June 2008 at 7:39am | IP Logged | 8
I am proud to know you Tom and kind of wish you taught in my daughters school district
Thank you, Don. I have to say that I'm surprised at the number of people on this Forum whom I think of as friends -- especially when one considers the inherent anonymity. It's interesting and fun to get to know people by the posts they make, their words and their thoughts. (Interestingly, I still think of everybody as if they look like their avatars. If we all ever get together and meet in person, we'll have to wear name tags with our avatar on them or I won't know O'Brien from Gibson! And I'm pretty sure Baptiste doesn't look like our Amazon Princess -- or you a cigar smoking rock-puss -- but who knows?)
I'm also surprised by how much I enjoy teaching. I started working at my school as a break from life on the road, intending to only stay a year or two. Now, nine years later, I'm still there -- and still loving it! (I especially dig having summers off -- of course, you know how much of that is spent in emotional recovery, or at least your wife does, right?)
That said, I'm thinking of changing schools. Mostly because of gas prices. There are at least five private schools within biking distance from my house -- as opposed to the twenty-some-odd miles I have to drive to Maryland right now. My school has offered my a gas stipend, which I find flattering, but I think I got the itch...
Where are you again? How well do they pay there?