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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 10:50am | IP Logged | 1
The reason I liked Chris' run is that it was constantly changing from one
thing to another. So I enjoyed wondering what had happen between
chunks of issues I had. On the other hand, a lot of books kept going back
to status quo so I saw no reason to buy them regularly since nothing ever
This makes you precisely the kind of selfish fan who has, on both sides of
the equation, done great damage to the industry and the art form. You
enjoy a book that is "constantly changing". How about those who like it
to stay the same? How about those who have heard about a book, and
want to try it out, but find something different from what they were told
about because it is "constantly changing"?
If you want your entertainment "constantly changing", how about
changing your entertainment? Tired of reading sword and sorcery, and
maybe in the mood for some WW2 action? Go find a WW2 book to read,
instead of expecting that S&S book to turn into one about WW2.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 10:51am | IP Logged | 2
I prefer to call it a mutual break-up and just remember the fun times we
And that makes you precisely the right kind of fan.
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John Wyatt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 25 December 2006 Posts: 125
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:09am | IP Logged | 3
This makes you precisely the kind of selfish fan who has, on both sides of the equation, done great damage to the industry and the art form. You enjoy a book that is "constantly changing". How about those who like it to stay the same? How about those who have heard about a book, and want to try it out, but find something different from what they were told about because it is "constantly changing"?
In this scenario, wouldn't the sampler have been told that the comic was 'constantly changing'?
At one point in grade school and high school, I was reading Marvel, DC, Archie, and Harvey comics, but I dropped Archie and Harvey because they were the same thing over and over and that got boring.
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Brad Teschner Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 June 2005 Location: United States Posts: 3933
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:15am | IP Logged | 4
I dropped Archie and Harvey because they were the same thing over and over and that got boring.
So you would prefer that they had changed Archie and Harvey to serve you?!?
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Aric Shapiro Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 4349
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:16am | IP Logged | 5
Shows what you know Wyatt! Last month Archie was going with Betty, and this month he is with Veronica!
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:19am | IP Logged | 6
At one point in grade school and high school, I was reading Marvel, DC,
Archie, and Harvey comics, but I dropped Archie and Harvey because they
were the same thing over and over and that got boring.
Meaning you did exactly what you were supposed to do. What the
publishers expected you, nay, intended you to do.
(If you're going to dispute my point, best not to do so by agreeing with me!)
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Al Cook Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 21 December 2004 Posts: 12735
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:19am | IP Logged | 7
Deleted because JB just said what I was saying, and better than I was
going to at that.
Edited by Al Cook on 11 December 2007 at 11:20am
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John Wyatt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 25 December 2006 Posts: 125
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:21am | IP Logged | 8
I dropped Archie and Harvey because they were the same thing over and over and that got boring.
So you would prefer that they had changed Archie and Harvey to serve you?!?
I wasn' t interested in changing them. They were boring, so I spent my (and my mom's) money on something interesting, in fact, something I'm still buying today.
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Brad Teschner Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 June 2005 Location: United States Posts: 3933
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:28am | IP Logged | 9
They were boring, so I spent my (and my mom's) money on something interesting, in fact, something I'm still buying today.
Yet there was obviously a time when you didn't find them boring. You just outgrew them. That's like saying Sesame Street is boring and un-interesting...unless of course you ask my 18mos old daughter.
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Aric Shapiro Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 4349
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:32am | IP Logged | 10
But Brad, Sesame Street is still being aimed at kids in that age group. Are comics still targetting kids?
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John Wyatt Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 25 December 2006 Posts: 125
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:34am | IP Logged | 11
They were boring, so I spent my (and my mom's) money on something interesting, in fact, something I'm still buying today.
Yet there was obviously a time when you didn't find them boring. You just outgrew them. That's like saying Sesame Street is boring and un-interesting...unless of course you ask my 18mos old daughter. |
The repetition was boring. They only had a couple formulas and didn't vary the execution much. I dropped the Hardy Boys once I noticed their formula too ("Chapter 18 Kidnapped sure seems a lot like Chapter 17 Captured! in the one I read yesterday.")
That's what kept me coming back to DC and Marvel. It wasn't the exact same paint-by-numbers story telling from month to month.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
Joined: 11 May 2005 Posts: 134007
Posted: 11 December 2007 at 11:36am | IP Logged | 12
This is the problem in a nutshell. Fans -- and by extrapolation, fans-turned-pro -- who insist on saying "This has become boring" instead of "I no longer find this interesting." What is the problem here? What is it about this strata of fandom that simply will not accept the fact that people change, they change, and that the fault lies not in the books and characters, but in the demands they, the fans, are making of those books and characters? It's like a 30 year old complaining because he's no longer allowed to play on his old Little League team. They need to learn from Shakespeare… The fault, dear Brutus, lies not in our stars, but in ourselves.
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