Posted: 21 August 2007 at 6:50pm | IP Logged | 7
from an interview with Howard Chaykin, from Comic Book Arist 5:
"What is your assessment of Gil?
"He was a giant. He's my hero-everything I wanted to be...Working for Gil was the single most important educational experience in my professional life...
Baryshnikov looks like a Gil Kane hero. Gil's figures were dancers as opposed to wrestlers. I gained an enormous amount of my own professional sensibilities by watching Gil work...
Gil always said he was predominantly influnced by Jack Kirby and Burne Hogarth. For me, I never understood his obsession with Hogarth. I never understood his appeal. It still escapes me. The work is pretentious bullshit. Gil was so much better an artist than Hogarth ever was. One of the few things Neal and I agree on is that Gil transcended anything Hogarth could have done...
(Interesting considering JB's comment)
(This next part looks critical out of context, but I think it was intended as analysis) "The problem with Gil's stuff is he never got past the idea of producing work on a mechanical, machine-like basis. He never bothered to seek out reference, never worked from photographs. I'm not talking about for characters, I'm talking about the worldview. There were always generic airplanes, generic automobiles, generic suits. It became a glib cliche."
(That's interesting, because something that occurred to me looking at all the art posted on this thread is how UNdated it all looks; it doesn't look stale, even though it's 30+ years old)
Chaykin again: "...Jack's work had developed weight and heft, but for me at least, had lost much of its sense of mobility. Gil's stuff was always about movement. I understand that Stan always thought Gil's work was faggy, and I think that just missed the point. But it's a typical reaction to Gil's elegance. For me, Gil's stuff was just the greatest. I love his Superman stuff from the mid-80s."