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Topic: Can Superman break adamantium? Post ReplyPost New Topic
Kurt Anderson
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Posted: 10 June 2007 at 12:18pm | IP Logged | 1 post reply

Superman, from space, with heat vision.


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John Byrne
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Posted: 10 June 2007 at 1:33pm | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Superman would be able to control the density and
tightness of his skin cells.


If you're going to give Superman powers and abilites
he has never previously manifest, then the whole
debate becomes pointless. Might as well say
Batman could resist Wolverine's claws because of
mental disciplines he learned in the Orient.
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John Byrne
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Posted: 10 June 2007 at 1:37pm | IP Logged | 3 post reply

The shield is a vibranium-steel alloy. Adamantium was created in an attempt to recreate the shield.


As it was explained to me, the shield is an alloy of several different elements, which McClain created accidentally. Vibranium was one of them, and something that, in pure form, would have been adamantium was another. In attempting to recreate the metal in the shield, adamantium was as close as McClain was able to get.

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Mark Lafleur
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 2:26am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Is adamantium as strong a uru? If so, The Destroyer was capable of breaking that, and the Celestials melted the Destroyer.

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Michael Connell
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 3:59am | IP Logged | 5 post reply

Thor has smashed his hammer into adamantium more than once, and neither the hammer nor the adamantium has broken. However Thor's hammer is magical, imbued by Odin with enchantments so I'm not sure it's a fair test.
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Thanos Kollias
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 6:46am | IP Logged | 6 post reply

If I were Superman I would swoop in Super speed style and toss wolverine into space.... END
didn't Jaffe the guardian of the M'kran crystal try that all ready??

to quote Rocket J. Squirrel: "that trick never works"


How exactly didn't that trick work? Wolverine was taken completely out of the fight and he would have probably died had he not been rescued by the Starjammers.

Also, I think I remember he was thrown into orbit. I doubt he could survive escape velocity or that he could possibly endure in space.

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Kevin Brown
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 7:05am | IP Logged | 7 post reply

The DC geek in me wants to say, "Of course Superman can break it!"

The comic geek in me knows otherwise. 

Adamantium was created to be unbreakable, so it's unbreakable.  Period.  No "what ifs".  Superman might be able to melt it though, depending on how hot his heat vision gets or if adamantium can be melted once it's "set'.  He also might be able to bend it, but he'd have to exert an incredible amount of strength to do so, IMO.

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Brian Miller
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 7:09am | IP Logged | 8 post reply

Thor dented the adamantium statue of the Hulk with his hammer in HULK 300.
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Michael Connell
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 7:16am | IP Logged | 9 post reply

The entry on Adamantium from The Offical Handbook of the Marvel Universe:

Adamantium is a virtually indestructible man-made steel alloy which does not occur in nature and whose exact chemical composition is a United States government classified secret. Adamantium is not an element: its properties do not qualify it for any know space on the Periodic Table of Elements. Rather, Adamantium is a series of closely related compounds of iron created through a secret process discovered by the American metallurgist Dr. Myron MacLain.

MacLain began experimenting with the process that created Adamantium as a young scientist in the employ of the United States government in the early 1940s. Assigned to create a super-metal with which to build tanks, MacLain labored for month, experimenting with various iron alloys. One of his experiments utilized the rare meteoric ore now known as Wakandan Vibranium, He tried to fuse the Vibranium to the iron alloy numerous times without success. Then one night when he dozed off, some as yet unknown factor entered the process, and permitted the fusion to occur. Upon discovering his success, MacLain poured the molten metal into a disc-shaped mold. The disc, once solidified, has proven to be the most impervious object ever created on Earth. MacLain turned the discover to the government and it was given to Captain America to use as his shield. Neither MacLain nor anyone else has ever been able to discover what was the x-factor that entered the process, or has been able to fuse Vibranium with another metal. (The unknown iron-Vibranium alloy of which the shield is composed resembles True Adamantium, although Adamantium itself contains no Vibranium,)

Over the following decades MacLain experimented, attempting to duplicate the process that create the shield. Finally, in recent years, he succeeded in developing the process by which the substance known as True Adamantium is created. True Adamantium is nearly as strong as Captain America's shield, and is, for all practical purpose, indestructible. The degree of impermeability varies directly with the thickness of the Adamantium. A direct blow from Thor's hammer, conveyed with the thunder god's full strength, will slightly dent a solid cylinder of True Adamantium. A sufficient mass of Adamantium could survive a direct hit from a nuclear weapon.

Adamantium is created through the mixing of certain chemical resins whose composition is a United States government secret. For eight minutes after the resins are mixed, the Adamantium can be molded into a particular shape as long as it is kept at a temperature of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit. After this brief period the process of creating Adamantium is completed. The extremely stable molecular structure of the Adamantium prevents it from being molded further, even if the temperature remains high enough to keep it in liquefied form. Only a device celled a Molecular Rearranger can alter the form of hardened Adamantium.

The United States government has shared the secret of Adamantium's composition with certain of its allies, and the secret has also fallen into the hands of various criminals, such as the Constrictor, who has made special weaponry from Adamantium.Wolverine possesses artificial claws made of True Adamantium and his bones have been fused with Adamantium in an unexplained manner so as to greatly increase their tensile strength. The outer portion of the robotic body of Ultron is also composed entirely of True Adamantium, although Ultron's inner mechanisms are not.

Adamantium is extraordinarily expensive to produce. Therefore, certain parties who wish to use Adamantium on a large scale have resorted to utilizing a similar but somewhat weaker compound similar to True Adamantium called Secondary Adamantium. Although Secondary Adamantium is still far stronger than even titanium steel, it can be destroyed by sufficiently great amounts of force. Blastaar's energy discharges and the vibratory force created by the Overkill Horn have both proved able to destroy Secondary Adamantium. The sentient computer known as F.A.U.S.T. had a casing made of Secondary Adamantium which Thor and Iron Man managed to destroy. The Red Skull and the original Hate-Monger had a dome of Secondary Adamantium constructed to protect their island fortress but the dome was destroyed by the vibratory force of the Overkill Horn and by powerful incendiary bombs.

First Appearance: AVENGERS #66.

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Knut Robert Knutsen
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 8:30am | IP Logged | 10 post reply

See how they managed to sneak the word "virtually" in before "indestuctible"? This is why handbooks and dictionaries can't be trusted.
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Richard Stevens
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 9:13am | IP Logged | 11 post reply

I guess the real question now is, "Could Superman chip through standard
Adamantium using Cap's shield?" ;)
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Brian Miller
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Posted: 11 June 2007 at 10:30am | IP Logged | 12 post reply

I'd say yes to that one.
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