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Topic: Q 4 JB: Galactus Post ReplyPost New Topic
John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 7:52am | IP Logged | 1 post reply

You actually care for your fans!


Nah, I hate the fans. (Ask anybody.)

Guess I just hate you guys less than the rest.
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Michael Everall
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 8:49am | IP Logged | 2 post reply

Great answer to a perfectly timed question!

Edited by Michael Everall on 22 May 2007 at 8:49am
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Brandon Carter
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 9:30am | IP Logged | 3 post reply

I like the intermediate version of the Galactus commission, with all the red.  With the "red skies", it's almost like the Marvel Universe is about to have some Crisis-level catastrophe happen to it.
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Pablo Lainez
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 10:17am | IP Logged | 4 post reply

Re: JB's answer..

wow!..very detailed. Shouldn' this be in the FAQ section?. Maybe below the question 'How come you are the best one there is when it comes to draw Galactus?'...
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Jason Schulman
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 12:59pm | IP Logged | 5 post reply

I like the intermediate version of the Galactus commission, with all the red.  With the "red skies", it's almost like the Marvel Universe is about to have some Crisis-level catastrophe happen to it.

That gives me an idea for a fun story: CRISIS minus the Monitor(s) but with Galactus, who, having discovered the DC Multiverse, decides he wants to eat every parallel Earth!
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David Perrin
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 2:52pm | IP Logged | 6 post reply

Jason sez:
"That gives me an idea for a fun story: CRISIS minus the
Monitor(s) but with Galactus, who, having discovered the DC
Multiverse, decides he wants to eat every parallel Earth! "

I can see the sign over the giant cosmic sneeze guard:
"Take all you can...Eat all you take!"
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James Hanson
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 3:31pm | IP Logged | 7 post reply

JB really does draw the best Galactus-- in fact, I'd put all his cosmic tech
stuff as the equal of Kirby's.
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 4:13pm | IP Logged | 8 post reply

That gives me an idea for a fun story: CRISIS minus the Monitor(s) but with Galactus, who, having discovered the DC Multiverse, decides he wants to eat every parallel Earth!


Almost like THIS?

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David Ferguson
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 4:15pm | IP Logged | 9 post reply

I like the increasing number of the "how to" tips that JB is giving lately.

Very generous JB.

(Second favourite thing about the forum after the commissions)

JB, I was wondering what approach you took when writing Galactus?
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 4:22pm | IP Logged | 10 post reply

I was wondering what approach you took when writing Galactus?


The First Coming of Galactus was one of the first story arcs I read when I returned to comics after my late teen hiatus. By then I was really getting back into Kirby's art, expecially with Sinnott's exquisite inks -- but what really blew me away -- or blew my mind, as we would have said then! -- was how Stan presented Galactus. In most particular, one exchange, when someone refers to Galactus as "evil", and the Watcher says "Galactus is not evil. He is beyond good and evil. He does what he does because he must. He is… Galactus!"


When it came my turn to write the character -- especially with Shooter's order that I "restore him to his former glory" (Shooter had a knack for telling us to do things we were planning to do anyway) -- that statement by the Watcher was forefront in my mind. It informed everything I did with Galactus.*

* Important distinction here. I approached writing Galactus with the Watcher's words in my mind, because the assumption had to be that the Watcher spoke the truth. I had to deal with the seeming contradictions and conundrums (especially those brought on by later, bad writing of Galactus). Today, I fear, a writer would "solve" this dilemma by simply saying "Well, the Watcher was wrong." Or, more likely, "The Watcher was lying."

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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy

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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 4:23pm | IP Logged | 11 post reply

I like the increasing number of the "how to" tips that
JB is giving lately.


Definitely gonna hafta double the membership fee!
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David Ferguson
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Posted: 22 May 2007 at 4:37pm | IP Logged | 12 post reply

Not to sound like a smart Alec, but shouldn't the first step of every FF writer be to go back and read the Lee/Kirby run as well as some of the other great runs (like yours)?

That's what I would do.

(Same for every other book - read the great runs first)
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