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Topic: JB’s Superman retcon is offically retconned (spoilers) (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Greg Kirkman
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Posted: 28 April 2007 at 7:52pm | IP Logged | 1  

How much ret could a retcon con if a retcon could con ret?

Edited by Greg Kirkman on 28 April 2007 at 9:13pm
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Rafael Guerra
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Posted: 29 April 2007 at 4:44am | IP Logged | 2  

As I understand it, and I could be completely off, nothing counts.  That is to say, just because we have the status quo that we do, don't assume that it got that way because of the stories that you read.  So, how did Clark propose to Lois?  We don't know.  How did Superman come back to life?  We don't know.  What was Lex and Clark's first meeting like?  We don't know.  In other words, unless we've been told the whys and wherefores in the past year since One Year Later, everything is up for grabs.

The way I understand it, everything still counts, until specifically contradicted by a recent story. Superman was still brought back from the dead by the Eradicator, who still is a machine from Krypton's past. Only he now looks like Kenny Rogers, too or something. I think there have been references to Superman saving the Constitution shuttle, even though parts of Man of Steel have been twice retconned.

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Mike Dunn
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Posted: 29 April 2007 at 6:44am | IP Logged | 3  

Can God create a retcon so powerful that He could not retcon it away?

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Jason Schulman
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Posted: 29 April 2007 at 9:29pm | IP Logged | 4  

Various parts of MAN OF STEEL and the late 80s-90s era appear to have been retained: Ma and Pa Kent not dying, Clark saving the space-plane, Clark's past relationship with Lana, LexCorp, the first meeting with Batman (as Magpie was seen -- albeit dead -- after Infinite Crisis), Linda Danvers/Supergirl, the Death of Superman saga, Steel, the Cyborg Superman, Kon-El/Superboy, the Eradicator (undoubtedly his past has been rewritten), Superman's more limited powers (no time-travel) and tearable cape, the Clark/Lois marriage, various villains (Bloodsport, Silver Banshee, Riot, Puzzler), even "Superman Red and Superman Blue."
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Michael Connell
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Posted: 29 April 2007 at 9:33pm | IP Logged | 5  


How much ret could a retcon con if a retcon could con ret?

It would con what a retcon could if a retcon could ret con.

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Zaki Hasan
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Posted: 30 April 2007 at 12:01am | IP Logged | 6  

Various parts of MAN OF STEEL and the late 80s-90s era appear to have been retained:...Linda Danvers/Supergirl


Not according to Dan DiDio.  He said she's out.
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Lars Johansson
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Posted: 30 April 2007 at 12:11am | IP Logged | 7  

Zaki: That is to say, just because we have the status quo that we do, don't assume that it got that way because of the stories that you read.


So what they have is a Superman status quo adventure book? We have had one 40+ years, se below. Fun for the kids or the fathers reading loud for the kids. Twice a month a new adventure with some sitcom style hugs and lessons in ethics. Adventure comics are not like super-hero comics, they are like Mark Twain.

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Zaki Hasan
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Posted: 30 April 2007 at 12:34am | IP Logged | 8  

I gotta be honest, Lars.  I'm having a real hard time understanding your posts lately.
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Lars Johansson
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Posted: 30 April 2007 at 1:16am | IP Logged | 9  

We have had a comic book that you never had, The Phantom, with b&w stories, with a Phantom being a socialist or social democrat. The environment is a status quo environment. Since this is not what I rush to the store to buy, I will probably think the same about present Superman. It's probably not the same, but I don't like where it's going for this reason only.

Excuse me if the Phantom team happens to be here, but this is booooriiiiing.

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