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Topic: Joe Q to end Peter Parker Marriage? (Topic Closed Topic Closed) Post ReplyPost New Topic
Bill Lukash
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:23am | IP Logged | 1  

MJ is a skrull?
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John Byrne
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:25am | IP Logged | 2  

If ^^***** had the stones they'd say "Screw continuity! As of January 2007, we're hitting 'rewind' and resetting all the books to where they were in 1972 -- just set in modern time."

No "cosmic events", no 100 issue crossovers. Just an editorial fiat, like MAN OF STEEL. Only way to get things done.

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John Byrne
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:29am | IP Logged | 3  

Wasn't the idea of the marriage started by Stan Lee
in his newspaper strip? 


Yes. Stan was then writing the strip as almost pure
soap opera, and he thought that would be a way to
go. As far as I know, he did not intend this to "slop
over" into the books.
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John Byrne
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:30am | IP Logged | 4  

Quesada does mention Johnny Storm's marriage
being a mistake...


He probably thinks it was something I did.
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Stephen Robinson
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:32am | IP Logged | 5  

If Quesada had any stones at all he's say "Screw
continuity! As of January 2007, we're hitting 'rewind'
and resetting all the books to where they were
in 1968 -- just set in modern time."

No "comsic events", no 100 issue crossovers. Just
an editorial fiat, like MAN OF STEEL. Only way to
get things done.


Comics used to do this all the time. Bad stories or plot developments were ignored. Superman's biological parents are still alive in suspended animation? Bruce Wayne has a brother? And so on.

When I hear complaints from fans about "stories not counting" (how can a story not count?) or demands for explanations of changes in "continuity," it seems as if these fans don't get that the characters aren't real (that might explain the requests for real "aging").

And I hate when people say "just read the old stories". It's selfish in the sense that new readers should be able to encounter stories involving characters who haven't been diluted by years of bad creative decisions. More hypocritical is that most of these fans are around my age and thus grew up on comics that had tossed old, barnacled continuity.

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Michael Penn
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:44am | IP Logged | 6  

Didn't Stan Lee et al. also kill off Gwen Stacy because it was decided that Peter Parker really shouldn't be married?
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Mig Da Silva
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 8:41am | IP Logged | 7  

If ^^***** had the stones they'd say "Screw continuity! As of January 2007, we're hitting 'rewind' and resetting all the books to where they were in 1972 -- just set in modern time."

No "cosmic events", no 100 issue crossovers. Just an editorial fiat, like MAN OF STEEL. Only way to get things done.

'Nuff said.

JB for president!

And in most M***** books, it's that simple, if all the garbage that's been done for almost decades now, isn't returned i will simply never be a regular costumer ever again, i simply have no interest in this product as it is.
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Ian Evans
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 9:05am | IP Logged | 8  

Peter is an adult, and so MJ, and they have known each other for years.


Each statement here is wrong...

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Ian Evans
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 9:13am | IP Logged | 9  

This quote from the article should go into the thread about punctuation


Remember, he had a bunch of girlfriends before even meeting MJ, Gwen, Betty, and Liz.


D'you see...?

Of course, I mean 'quotation', not 'quote'.....

Edited by Ian Evans on 29 April 2006 at 9:14am
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John Byrne
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 9:18am | IP Logged | 10  

Remember what I said in another thread, about how there are, proportionately, far more stupid fans than there used to be? I mean, hey! when I was a kid, I was a long way from being the brightest bulb in the box, but at least I understood one thing: there are only three "times" in comics -- the past, the present, and the future. None of these are clearly defined, unless they relate to specific epochs, such as with Captain America's ties to WW2. The present is always "now". If a story took place last year, and is referenced in a current comic, it happened "months ago". If it was ten years back, also "months ago". Forty years? "Months ago."

This is not rocket science.

Yet a whole flock of fans, and fans-turned-pro are unable to grasp this most simple conceit of the form.

(And before some chipmunk hops up to squeak that Stan, Jack and Steve had "real time" in the early Marvel books -- that is correct. In the early Marvel books. But when they realized Marvel was going to be around for a while, the brakes went on.)

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John Byrne
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 9:21am | IP Logged | 11  

Remember, he had a bunch of girlfriends before even meeting MJ, Gwen, Betty, and Liz.


D'you see...?


Referencing that is should be "Betty and Liz", without the comma?

I think that may be a function of where you learned punctuation. I was certainly taught that no comma was needed before the "and", but then I was also taught that punctuation goes outside quotation marks, unless it is part of the quotation. That's another one that seems to vary with geography (and the personal quirks of the English teacher!)

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Jay Matthews
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 9:24am | IP Logged | 12  

The issue of Peter's marriage (to keep or undo), and how to fix it, reminds of the problem I had with the whole Ultimate line -- it could have served a useful purpose.

When the Ultimate concept was being talked about, I thought it would be a "back to basics" line of titles which allowed its creators to do pure stories about the core characters, without worrying about things like "What do we tell them happened to the marriage?"  Kind of like the word "ultimate" being used in the sense of "quintessential."

It could have functioned as a fail-safe for the characters:  preserving a platform for Marvel's greatest characters, and being accessible to new readers at the same time.  If you did that, the Ultimate title would be a great place to "revert" to if you decided to go back to basics in the main line.  You could easily explain:  we're dropping the Ultimate tag, and it's the current Spider-Man.

Instead, they made the Ultimate titles be based on the Marvel characters, but with a bunch of arbitrary differences, just to be different.  The Ultimate Universe is a sort masturbatory writer's paradise to put stories of "what if things were different for no real reason?"  It's hardly "ultimate" anything.

So now they have no "revert" titles.  Wasted opportunity for a useful concept.

Edited by Jay Matthews on 29 April 2006 at 9:24am
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