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Mig Da Silva Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: Portugal Posts: 900
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 3:02am | IP Logged | 1
So it seems.
And already getting flamed all over the place by the weirdos up until now, he pampered to...
JQ: This is an interesting story. Back when I was merely a casual fan, I was floored when I heard that Marvel married off Spider-Man, even then I felt it was a strategic mistake. It just seemed strange to me that they would consider something of the sort with Marvel’s #1 icon. To me it was the equivalent of marrying off Archie and having it become the ongoing continuity for the character. |
Link to interview and thread
Edited by Mig Da Silva on 29 April 2006 at 3:02am
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John Byrne
Grumpy Old Guy
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Posted: 29 April 2006 at 4:30am | IP Logged | 2
At least it's not Reed and Sue.
Oh, damn, wish I hadn't said that. . .
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Matt Linton Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 13 December 2005 Posts: 2022
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 4:47am | IP Logged | 3
Joe Quesada also said this in the same interview:
"But all that said, divorcing, or widowing, or annuling the marriage would only be worse, that would only serve to make Peter and MJ seem even older."
"What am I going to do about it? What can I do about it? Folks here at Marvel have been wrestling with this long before I took over. How do you fix it without saying that years of Spider-Man stories don't count? That's been the lingering question."
So that would discount divorce, MJ dying, or any kind of "cosmic" solution. I'm guessing that's why they didn't use House of M to end the marriage, as many thought they would.
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Ian Evans Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 12 September 2004 Posts: 2433
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 5:10am | IP Logged | 4
Continuity should be fun, not a straight jacket...what's wrong with saying years of Spider-man stories didn't 'count'? Count how?
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Wallace Sellars Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 01 May 2004 Location: United States Posts: 17718
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 5:23am | IP Logged | 5
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Darragh Greene Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 March 2005 Location: Ireland Posts: 1812
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 5:40am | IP Logged | 6
Joe Quesada wrote:
How do you fix it without saying that years of
Spider-Man stories don't count? |
Matt Linton wrote:
So that would discount...any kind of "cosmic"
solution. |
There's an interesting philosophical question implicit here, and that is,
could God, or an omnipotent Shaper of Worlds in the Marvel Universe,
change history, that is, in this case, Peter and MJ's marriage, so that it
never happened? Is it possible to remove a past event from history
so that that event never happened?
There was huge debate about this in the Middle Ages when the question
entailed consequences for understanding the nature of God's
omnipotence and the finite or infinite nature of time. Thomas
Bradwardine appears to hold the field for the most cogent analysis of and
solution to the problem.
Today, most philosophers who study the question still agree with
Bradwardine's answer, and so they say that although God may be
omnipotent, nevertheless He cannot will an impossibilty, that is, a
contradictory state of affairs, so it would be impossible for Him to alter
history so that an event that had taken place had never taken place.
(God's omnipotence is not affected by this apparent limitation because He
can still do everything that is possible whereas the impossible is
inconsistent with the simplicity and unity of His intellect and will.)
It seems, therefore, that if the Shaper of Worlds were to effect a 'cosmic
solution' to the problem of Peter and MJ's marriage, it would entail a
logical absurdity whereby an historical event that happened once now
never happened.
In any case, when we consider the problem of Peter and MJ's marriage, it's
comics fiction we're dealing with, and in fiction anything's possible, even
the impossible, right?
Edited by Darragh Greene on 29 April 2006 at 5:40am
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Jay Matthews Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 11 October 2005 Location: United States Posts: 2468
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 5:54am | IP Logged | 7
It's a relief to have Joe Q admit what a huge blunder it was to have Peter marry MJ. Just having that "out there" makes me feel like I'm planet earth again, though I'm about 20 steps removed from coming back to Spider-Man, my favorite character.
Fixing it? I don't know how you do that. He's right -- turning off the marriage in any conventional way is an even more "innocence lost" thing than marrying to begin with.
I think somebody's gonna have to be a clone.
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Matt Linton Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 13 December 2005 Posts: 2022
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 6:07am | IP Logged | 8
Jay Matthews said:
"I think somebody's gonna have to be a clone"
Interestingly, Quesada does mention Johnny Storm's marriage being a mistake, and one that was later "fixed". Given the way in which that was done, MJ being a clone isn't out of the realm of possibility, and would obviously be far less contraversial than Spider-Man being a clone, divorcee, widower, or having the marriage cosmically reset. And since clones are already (for better or worse) an established part of Spider-Man's history, it's not too bizarre a solution.
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Joe Hollon Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 08 May 2004 Location: United States Posts: 13710
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 6:16am | IP Logged | 9
The entire Marvel Universe needs to be "Man of Steel-ed"....but not by the current regime. Wake me up when this happens...
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Francesco Vanagolli Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 03 June 2005 Location: Italy Posts: 3130
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:07am | IP Logged | 10
When I was a child, my last Spider-Man story was "Requiem!" from ASM #196. Years later, with the Sega videogame "Spider-Man Vs. the Kingpin" and the comics storyline "Maximum Carnage" (my first modern story) I discovered that, in the meantime, Peter married Mary Jane. This never disturbed me. Peter is an adult, and so MJ, and they have known each other for years. The marriage was normal, for me. The problem was the engagement, one of the fastest events ever in the Marvel Universe (Peter leaves Felicia, then makes the proposal to MJ, then the wedding. Phew!)... But for me the rest worked very well.
One of the things that I have noticed often is that in the US the Spider-Man's marriage is less accepted than here, and that readers still complain about it. I can understand your position... Peter married MJ when he was young, and marriying a super model he lost something: an everyman usually doesn't marry a model! That was the first step for Peter's separation from the reader (that process which gave us fake parents created by the Chameleon, the clone saga, the totems and Spider-Man in the New Avengers).
By the way, I would be very sad if the marriage were broke by Marvel. I have been used to see Peter and Mary Jane together for years, and I can't imagine Mr. Parker without his lovely red headed wife. It already happened (from ASM Vol. II #13 to #50... 3 years!) and I don't need this again!
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Charles Nago Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 23 January 2006 Posts: 191
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:20am | IP Logged | 11
The marriage is part of the story, and should not be changed. If people want the old "more innocent" stories, all one has to do is read the old stories. Personally, I think marriage can be handled well with the correct writers. I think a good example was in Friends when Monica and Chandler wed. It seemed a natural progression. An example of where a marriage killed the show would be Moonlighting. My feeling is that most fans view it as more Moonlighting then Friends.
I also don't blame the marriage for all the bad stories that happened afterwards.
Wasn't the idea of the marriage started by Stan Lee in his newspaper strip? I remember being at the Comicon in Chicago and Shooter asking the audience if normal Marvel continuity should follow the newspaper strips. The audience applauded with a rousing YES. And, shortly thereafter it happened.
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Günther Seydlitz Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 24 June 2005 Location: Germany Posts: 142
Posted: 29 April 2006 at 7:20am | IP Logged | 12
I guess M.J. must die.
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