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Rick Senger
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:22pm | IP Logged | 1  

The "what-the?" thread got me thinking about Superman.  I've probably got 150 or so issues of the guy, but there are some basic questions I'm not sure I know the answers to.  I'm sure JB or someone here can help me out?

Does Superman need to eat?  I know the sun gives him all kinds of powers and sustenance, but does he need to consume nutrients (I imagine he burns a lot of calories whenever he faces off against a supervillain or "bends steel in his bare hands" or "changes the course of mighty rivers")?

If the answer to that is yes, does he require trips to the restroom to eliminate waste products from those meals?  I know that sounds juvenile, but I've so rarely seen Superman eating and I'm not sure that it's not just a social thing.  If it is just a social thing and he doesn't absorb the food, what happens to the food in his stomach?

If everything on Superman is invulnerable, how is it that his heat vision can shave his beard / hair?  I've also read at times that he just doesn't grow a beard; is that canon and if so, is there any scientific explanation for why?

How does Superman fly?  I assume his molecular structure is super-dense to be so invulnerable, and yet he can make himself lighter than air.  Is there any (psuedo?)-scientific explanation to justify this ability?

Does Superman sweat?  I ask because he can swim in molten lava and bathe in the fireball of the sun, so obviously keeping his body temperature at a constant 98.6 is not of paramount importance.

I'm not trying to poke fun or holes in the Superman persona... just genuinely curious if these issues have ever been spelled out / addressed.

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Bob Simko
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:32pm | IP Logged | 2  

Usually, my feeling is that once you start sking these types of questions, it's time to move on from reading comics!

...or start writing for M*****

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Lance Hill
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:44pm | IP Logged | 3  

Usually, my feeling is that once you start sking these types of questions, it's time to move on from reading comics!

I'd say a it'd be time to move on from that particular kind of fiction (in any medium), but not the entire comics medium as a whole, as that kind of fiction is not all that the comic book medium has to offer.
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Thanos Kollias
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:55pm | IP Logged | 4  

I don't know, Bob, these questions are kinda fun to ask. JB himself has addressed some of those issues in his Superman run, so maybe your response is a little extreme.

According to my memory and understanding of JB's Superman stories then (if something in the list below doesn't match what JB had written in the stories, I apologize in advance):

Superman doesn't really have to eat but he likes food, which he consumes 100% leaving no waste products.

Superman is described as invulnerable, whereas he is actually too hard to hurt. A lot of things can cause pain, his heat vision being one of those things that can hurt him, and, obviously, shave him. JB had shown that an uncontrolled, full force, extra packed heat vision beam (which I considered at the time the peak of the power's potential) burned hot enough to burn his hands and eyelids! He does grow a beard, though.

About the sweat, I guess the electrochemical aura around his body, the same aura that allows his skintight costume to remain intact and his skin to remain dirty, probabaly takes care of that as well.

About the flight, I have no real theory nor do I remember JB addressing the issue directly, I would consider though, that levitaiton through latent psychic abilities is a possible theory. Those same psychic abilities are what allows him to fly buildings and bulky masses over his head without them crumbling around him or manifest heat vision through pyrokinetic agitation of the target's molecules.

This applies to JB's post-Crisis version. What happened in the pre-Crisis versions, I have no idea, nor do I know what works and what doesn't in the current version.

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Andrew W. Farago
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:56pm | IP Logged | 5  

Usually, my feeling is that once you start asking
these types of questions, it's time to move on from
reading comics!

Maybe, but we've had things like Who's Who and
Marvel Universe answering questions like these for
20 years now, not to mention the fact that stories
have been addressing things like "how does
Superman cut his hair?" since the Silver Age.
There's a difference between getting hung up on
how the heck Superman can fly when nobody else
from Smallville can and wondering whether or not he
can live on solar power alone.

On a slightly related note, I remember the Starman
from Roger Stern's series spending some time
addressing how his powers had changed him,
noting that he (Starman) no longer had to eat or
breathe, but kept doing things like that kept him
grounded in reality and helped him to retain his
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Noah Smith
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 4:57pm | IP Logged | 6  

I believe "JB's Superman" did eat, but used whatever he took in with total efficiency.  He could eat anything now and his body would process it perfectly without any waste product. 

As for flight, I think post-MOS many of Superman's powers, strength, speed, and flight definitely were a form of telekenesis. 

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

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Rick Senger
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:24pm | IP Logged | 7  

Like Superman doesn't have enough powers on his own, but now you're saying he may have telekinetic abilities too??   Damn.
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Wayde Murray
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:29pm | IP Logged | 8  

Pre-Crisis, pre-MOS, there was an issue of Superman where his mind is mystically swapped with that of an actor who portrayed him in films. The actor had been severely burned and injured in a stunt gone awry, and blamed Superman for his misfortune.

Anyway, once inside Superman's body, the actor becomes so heavy that his sea-side house on a cliff starts to break away from its moorings. Superman (in the actor's body) reveals to us that it's because the actor doesn't know how to control his new body's mass.

From that I would say that Superman is constantly "in flight", although he usually only negates all by 220 pounds of his mass in order to stay on the ground.

Or pixie dust. It could always be pixie dust...
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Frank Robert
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:41pm | IP Logged | 9  

> Does Superman need to eat?  I know the sun gives him all kinds of powers and sustenance, but does he need to consume nutrients (I imagine he burns a lot of calories whenever he faces off against a supervillain or "bends steel in his bare hands" or "changes the course of mighty rivers")?

According to Action Comics 800, Superman doesn't need to eat.  Clark to Lana: "I don't need to eat."

> If everything on Superman is invulnerable, how is it that his heat vision can shave his beard / hair?  I've also read at times that he just doesn't grow a beard; is that canon and if so, is there any scientific explanation for why?

Superman is comic book invulnerable, not invulnerable invulnerable.  He can be hurt, it just takes a LOT to do it.

> How does Superman fly? 

According to John's work?  "Through sheer force of will."  Nowadays?  Lex hypothesized that Superman's body produces anti-gravity particles (in Birthright).

> Does Superman sweat?  I ask because he can swim in molten lava and bathe in the fireball of the sun, so obviously keeping his body temperature at a constant 98.6 is not of paramount importance.

I don't think I've ever seen him sweat under full power, no.  Unless some freaky magic is involved.

> I'm not trying to poke fun or holes in the Superman persona... just genuinely curious if these issues have ever been spelled out / addressed.

Some have been, some haven't been.  No comic has EVER answered, or even so much as asked, the question: DOES SUPERMAN POOP?

And, uh, that's fine for me.

_Frank Robert

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Rick Senger
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:48pm | IP Logged | 10  

I remember that exact issue, Wayde!  The scarred actor was Gregory Kent, as gloriously drawn by Curt Swan and (I think) Murphy Anderson.  I've never gone in much for the magic issues, but this was a decent enough effort. And it again raises my question... how is it that Superman "controls his body's mass?"  (By the way, I would think the more accurate term would be weight, because basic science taught me that mass is a constant).  Is this control something unconscious, or is it as simple as relaxing his muscles a certain way?  I know this whole area can veer quickly to ridiculous minutiae-sifting and hand wringing by nerd fanboys, but I'm just trying to understand the big picture concept. 
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Andrew W. Farago
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:55pm | IP Logged | 11  

I just remembered a scene in Superman #50, when
Clark was adjusting to life without super-powers
after a run in with Mxyzptlk's Krimson Kryptonite. After
a ride home on the subway, he noticed that he was
sweating, which was definitely not the norm for him.
I think he also had to adjust to taking showers using
tolerably hot water, as opposed to the scalding ones
that he usually took.
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Hugh Cherry
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Posted: 09 December 2005 at 5:59pm | IP Logged | 12  

The idea that Superman's powers are telekenetic in
nature are not a new thing. JB has alluded to that in
some of his issues, I remember reading an article in
Starlog many moons agao that went into great detail
on how that would work.
The basic idea being; how can a man lift , say, a
supertanker over his head without his hands busting
through the hull, or the ship collapsing under its own
weight, etc. Flight was another does it
work? By jumping?, if you jump across a creek, can
you change direction in mid air?
It was thought provoking. In the wrong hands it could
ruin a comic book story.
I guess the point I am trying to make is that there can
be an explanation for how powers work, or you can
just accept them as part of the genre. Its when the
explanation takes the place of an entertaining story
that you have to back up and take a moment to think.
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