Posted: 16 June 2019 at 10:51am | IP Logged | 10
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As memory serves...
In an X-Men annual with the New Mutants and the X-Babies (and Mojo), Lois and Clark are among an audience trapped in a theatre, and Clark laments that he cannot move or do anything, which Mojo acknowledges.
In a Marvel Team-Up with Spider-Man and Nightcrawler, a young man wears a Batman shirt.
In one of the Spider-Man comic strips, Spider-Man sheeshes that he didn't come from Krypton.
In X-Men's love of steali- that is, homaging, I seem to recall a reference to DC's "INVASION!" three issue mini series with Perry White and Jimmy Olsen in it. But I wasn't reading X-Men at the time, so I don't know. I suppose it was Chris Claremont writing it.
I THINK I recall that in an early New X-Men (#98?), Lois and Clark appeared in a winter scene but I'm not sure on that one.
In Spider-Man #4, Doctor Octopus calls Peter Parker Superman. But maybe that was a slip... :)
Iron Man referencing Kryptonite - I'm pretty sure that I have seen theatres in the MU showing both "Superman the Movie" and "Batman." Possibly other films...
In a simpler world, we'd KNOW that Marvel and DC characters exist in the same universe, and have since the first Superman/Spider-Man team up.
And if we look at the Squadrons Sinister and Supreme... well, those aren't exact, and that's what we're looking for. Bu there IS a reference to Batman (unmentioned) in Captain America #314, the crossover with the Squadron Supreme maxi-series. Nighthawk, in his original outfit, is walking into a building, and the shadow is that of Batman; and a passerby asks, "Didn't he have his own TV show?" Also, Bill Finger giant props abound.
There are more appearances, I'm sure of it - but I can't remember more, and this ought to do for a start.