Posted: 14 December 2012 at 8:59am | IP Logged | 12
| could you not be involved in this? I guess that means there won't be a deluxe-sketched edition? Actually that makes me skeptical that its really going to happen at all.•• Oh, it's happening! Since I am no big fan of my older work, the idea makes me cringe, but it's definitely happening. I was asked about doing a "deluxe" edition, and I declined. If this is going to be out there, I want it accessible to everybody at the same cost. (I'm also not a fan of "special" versions of things that put them out of the reach of the general audience.) +++ The description isn't this shot from original art like IDW's Simonson THOR collection? If so, how did hey get a hold of whole stories like this? Walt always kept his original art, but JB hardly ever did. •• IDW has defined these "Artist's Editions" as being shot from the original art. so surely no further description is needed? My understanding is that most of the art (perhaps all of it) comes from one collector, whose name would doubtless be familiar to "old-timers" here at the JBF. +++ I would absolutely love it if one was a early Byrne / Sinnott issue!!! •• IDW wanted to restrict it to work that was entirely by me (excepting the lettering, obviously), so none of the inkers who worked on the book during my tenure will be included. And before anyone asks, yes, Terry Austin is still declining to release his pages for use in an X-MEN volume of this kind.