Posted: 10 September 2007 at 11:59am | IP Logged | 3
Problem with homesexuals as represented in many mediums is that it's all about their sex lives ... as if homosexuality is a form of religious orthodoxy ... as if gay and lesbians spend 90% of their time thinking about sex.
I don't believe sex is a factor at all in my enjoyment of a comic book.
With all respect to JB and his work, seeing a side view of She-Hulk's tits pressed against Wyatt's chest made me envy Wyatt but did nothing to "enhance" the tale for me.
It's a given that superheroes are going to bang ... like it's a given they're going to eat, drink, sleep, urinate, and defecate. Some of them might even drink liquor and smoke weed. This is not interesting except to those who fantasize about that aspect of superheroes' lives.
What I'm interested in when I read about superheroes is what makes them superheroic. Showing them indulging in the same proclivities as your run-of-the-mill human being is dull as hell ... unless there is some heroic aspect to it. For example, Peter Parker having to take a job delivering pizzas to buy Aunt May medecine is heroic because he could simply use his powers to steal the meds.
Edited by Jesus Garcia on 10 September 2007 at 12:09pm