Posted: 14 February 2006 at 11:46am | IP Logged | 12
Wally and Dick Grayson are definitely past college age.
I'd say 25ish. Young, but not too young. Past college age.
Okay. How old are Batman and Superman?
Batman? 33ish. Early 30s. Still at the top of his game like a ballplayer.
Dick is at an age where he has learned a lot, physically mature, but can still learn more and become even better. Like a young ballplayer. 23-25. The Dick Grayson i read about does not at all seem like a 21 year old to me. Him and Wally are past that I think-past college age. Heck, the way Wally is written, he probably is a solid 25.
Superman-Probably similar to Batman Early 30s. Old enough to be a solid newsman with a few years under his belt, a full adult, but still relatively youthful by our standards. Although the question remains whether he would continue to age like us.
These are how they seem to me based on my readings. Not what they necessarily should be but what they seem to be.
Also, i am not counting up actual dates, like this story said "2 years later." I think that is a mistake-i read those kind of things as more nebulous even when they are specific-like some time has past. or math like "But if Dick is _ then Batman must be _ because he was _ when Dick first became Robin at _.
Also, I think these ages are old enough to recognize time has past, but not too much time. Sort of frozen in time-not new at the game, have experience, but not old at the game.
Edited by Rob Hewitt on 14 February 2006 at 11:48am