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Thomas Moudry Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 5060
Posted: 13 May 2005 at 11:10pm | IP Logged | 1
I was filing some comics away today when I started flipping though some Superman, Superboy, and Action Comics from the early 1970’s; and it struck me that these books were my introduction to the Man of Steel in comic book form. My prior exposure had been the reruns of the George Reeves series and “The Superman/Aquaman Hour.”
I just wondered if anyone else made a similar journey into comics—coming to them from a different medium.
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Jon Godson Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 05 January 2005 Posts: 2468
Posted: 13 May 2005 at 11:22pm | IP Logged | 2
One Christmas my parents gave me a projector that would show long
horizontal series of slides. It was in these that I first met the Fantastic Four
and Aquaman (and the Three Stooges!).
I think I first met Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family through my
Like lots of others, I first met Batman in the 70s through afternoon reruns of
the show from the show from the 60s.
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Shaun Crowell Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 874
Posted: 13 May 2005 at 11:52pm | IP Logged | 3
My first experience with comics was the 60's Batman TV show, well reruns of the show in the mid to late 70's also the Superfriends cartoon. I probably picked up my first comics around that time.
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Eric Kleefeld Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 21 December 2004 Location: United States Posts: 4422
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 12:55am | IP Logged | 4
I first saw Spider-Man on "Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends". I
vaguely remember really liking Iceman at the time.
I discovered Superman through the Christopher Reeve movies.
I don't know which of these two events happened first. Either way, I was
sold on the whole business.
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Taavi Suhonen Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 27 April 2004 Location: Finland Posts: 1544
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 2:45am | IP Logged | 5
My first comic was Donald Duck (it was also the first thing I read
myself), from which I moved onto things like Transformers and G.I. Joe.
I also read some Spider-Man comics one of my older cousins owned, but I
think I got my first own superhero comic was also the issue that
introduced me to Byrne: the Finnish printing of the beginning of the
Supergirl story. That year I also got some comics from my grandpa as a
birthday present, including a Spider-Man issue with the end of Kraven's
Last Hunt which creeped me out enough to put me off Spider-Man for a
few years.
I got into the X-Men (and Alpha Flight) thanks to school - my class'
reading box had the Finnish printing of X-Men/Alpha Flight: The Gift
which resulted me in picking up the regular X-Men title and asking for
a subscription as a birthday present. It was also at this point when I
returned to Spider-Man and found the Fantastic Four (Walter Simonson's
big Doom story). Later that year I got into Daredevil, Ghost Rider and
Hulk too.
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James Wright Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 1062
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 2:50am | IP Logged | 6
I had that Marvel Family Viewmaster deal. That was soooo cool.
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Andrew Paul Leyland Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 28 April 2005 Location: United Kingdom Posts: 474
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 3:07am | IP Logged | 7
Mine was a mixture of the Spider-Man cartoon (60's version which was shown every summer holiday here in the UK), The Chris Reeve Superman movie (the first film I ever saw at the cinema) and The Incredible Hulk tv show. This also gave me my first lesson in comic to film adaptation: When I asked my Grandad why he was Bruce in the comic but David on TV he said "They always change things from the books. That's why books are better". Smart man my Grandad.
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Mig Da Silva Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: Portugal Posts: 900
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 3:49am | IP Logged | 8
A friend gave me some Hulk issues, the first one i read was Hulk #272 - Sasquatch vs Hulk vs Wendigo.
The issue was in one of those brazillian magazines that translated into Portuguese, came in a smaller format but had like 100 pages and 4 stories\comics in it. So it also had Avengers 12X and Fantatic Four 150, which features the wedding of Quicksilver and Crystalis, and Ultron's assault at the Inhumans, Fantastic Four and Avengers.
That hooked me up right there. I wanted to know who is who, and who has what powers. That was my main drive at first. I liked how everything fit and made sense, and those blurbs from the past continuity fascinated me and i wanted to know everything, who was that guy in the flashback? why did he had a different costume? did he had a different power? and what was that villain he was fighting?...
... sadly enough, the exact same characteristics that drew me into comics, are now all dead and unused.
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Ed Deans. Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 28 November 2004 Location: United States Posts: 857
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 4:40am | IP Logged | 9
Difficult to say in some sense but I think I definitely was exposed to
the characters through other media first. There was a bit of an
explosion of comics-related media on TV: Lynda Carter's Wonder Woman,
the Spider-Man live action series on ABC, Batman and Adv of Superman
reruns on local independents, the 60s Spider-Man cartoon, and the
Incredible Hulk tv show. And Superfriends.
Outside of their TV representations be in in cartoon or live-action
forms, I didn't 'get to know' any DC characters until Byrne penciled
the post-Crisis mini-series Legends which seemed like a good jumping on
part. I'd heard about the Crisis mini-series and picked up the Death of
Supergirl issue but I could make no head-nor-tail of multiple Earths,
Anti-Monitor and all that. I was maybe 12 at the time.
My first DC comic was a Plasticman issue that was a gift when I was down with a bad flu. That would've been around Nov '82.
I'd been familiar with Marvel's universe and tentpole characters for
years, probably *before* other media exposures. DC's comics just looked
very stuffy. I tried Crisis. The 'hot'
Robin mini-series, even the IMPACT! imprint when it started but there
was something about the DC characters and safe art style that didn't
grab me. I left DC when Byrne quit Superman, never really "finding" the
characters even though I knew them from other exposure and *wanted* to
like their comics. I just couldn't find good jumping-on points.
Especially with Batman, I was very disappointed with how dark the books
Edited by Ed Deans. on 14 May 2005 at 4:44am
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John Byrne
Robot Wrangler
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Posted: 14 May 2005 at 5:21am | IP Logged | 10
I guess most of you know by now that my "journey into comics" began with the George Reeves Superman series being shown on the BBC in England when I was about 6 years old. Not long after I started watching that series I saw one of the hardcover, black and white "Annuals" that were being published over there at the time, and soon after foung a copy of an Australian reprint called "Super Comics" that featured a story each of Superboy, Johnny Quick and Batman. The Batman story hooked me for life.A couple of years later my family emigrated to Canada (for the second time, no less!) and I discovered the vast array of American comics available at the time.
Some of my personal "first issues":
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John Mietus Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 16 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 9697
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 5:39am | IP Logged | 11
That Joe Kubert Hawkman cover really stands out in that group, doesn't
My introduction to these characters came from the same source as
Thomas Moudry -- when I was a small child in the '60s (I was born in '63)
I knew Superman, Aquaman, and the Fantastic Four from the cartoons,
Batman from the t.v. show and cartoons, and I had some of those Big
Little Books with Batman and Aquaman. My introduction to Spider-Man
was through the cartoon, which I didn't get to see until the early-to-mid-
'70s. My father used to talk about "The Adventures of Superman" from
when he was young, and I finally got to see them in syndication in the
mid '70s, but I'm pretty sure I'd started reading superhero comics by
My first exposure to superhero comics was reading my father's copy of
the Jules Pfieffer book and another book on cartooning in general that he
had (the name of which I forget) that had a Spider-Man page in it (I want
to say it was a Romita page), which is where I remember seeing the
character for the first time -- in black and white. I remember being
creeped out by him, because, well, spiders.
My first comics were all Gold Key reprints of Little Lulu and Carl Barks'
Uncle Scrooge and Huey, Dewey and Louie. I didn't start reading
superhero comics until I was in 5th or 6th grade in the mid-'70s. In fact, I
remember being 5 years old and my mother specifically not buying me a
Batman comic because there was a man with a gun on the cover.
But one thing I will point out - my folks always encouraged me reading
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Roger A Ott II Byrne Robotics Member

Joined: 29 April 2004 Location: United States Posts: 5371
Posted: 14 May 2005 at 6:48am | IP Logged | 12
Jon Godson wrote:
I think I first met Captain Marvel and the Marvel Family through my Viewmaster. |
I didn't remember this until you just mentioned it, but that was my first exposure to Captain Marvel, too! Wow, what a nostalgia trip.
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